Pualanijo's Stitching

Location: Mt. Blanchard, OH

I like to learn about history and I am LCMS

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Stitching question and a bit of an update

Have you ever participated in a needlework mystery (i.e., a design that you started before knowing how it will look in the end and by which you receive parts of the design via the internet, magazines, or leaflets at spaced intervals)? If so, why did you decide to do the mystery? What appealed to you about it? Did you enjoy it? If you have not done a mystery, would you ever do one?

I have participated in Pam's Garden Jewels mystery, but I need to get that re-done, as I messed up big time, the fabric was a bit small. I am thinking of doing the one that is in the Gift of Stitching magazine. With Pam's Garden Jewels, it was the name. Then I find out during the mystery is the fruit and birds, my two favorite things. Since I am re-doing the kitchen, I will stitch that for the kitchen. I am also in the process of doing the one in The Cross-Stitcher magazine, also by Pam.

Update: Tatting-I am doing a doily by Nancy of Be-stitched. I have rounds 1-3 done and in the process of getting round four done.

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Thursday, March 16, 2006

Stitching questions and updates

I am taking a quick break from the Valentine's Day Carousel horse. I am doing a project by Janlynn right now.


Now to answer some questions:

Have you had a happy dance yet this year? If so, tell us about it! (Or just point to the entry that talks about it.) If not, when do you predict it will be? It is when I finished that wedding sampler for my friend back in January.

Describe your “perfect” project. (Include the designer or specific pattern, the fabric, the floss, and anything else that would make that project “perfect” for you.) I would have Pam Kellogg design on 28 ct. cloth. My interests are Hawaii, so I am into tropical stuff.

Comment on your comments (giving and receiving): Do you love comments or hate them? Do you check them every day, never check them, or find them helpful? And finally, are you convinced no one is reading your blog if you don’t get any? I like to receive comments. I like to see what people say about my work.

What cross-stitch magazines or other publications (as opposed to blogs) do you read on a regular basis? What do you like about them? What do you not like? What would your perfect publication include? I subscribe to The Gift of Stitching (http://www.thegiftofstitching.com/), plus I read The Cross-Stitcher and Just Cross-Stitch. I like the patterns on all the magazines.

Do you have an organizational system for your patterns? If so, how do you organize them? If not, have you considered organizing them? I have a plastic bin for my patterns, but I need to go through them.

Do you stitch “over one?” If so, describe your experiences. If not, have you considered it? (See an “over one” diagram.) I have stitched a John Deere tractor over one on 25 ct. It is to fit the clock. http://pualanijo.myphotoalbum.com Just look under Cross-Stitch. My current project has over one on 28 ct.

Do you do your stash shopping at your LNS, ONS, or both? Which do you like better? Why? both. I rarely go to my LNS, due to time.

How do you balance your stitching time with your other obligations such as work, household chores, etc.? I tried to stitch on my breaks at work and on weekends. I like to stitch and watch tv at the same time.

Take a minute to reflect on your blog reading habits and preferences. What do you prefer to read in stitching blogs? (Progress, tips, family life, experiences, etc.) How much do you think you are influenced by other stitching bloggers? I like to read anything in the blogs that I read. I like to see other people's work.

Have you done any charity stitching, been in one, or would like to organize one? No, but I would like to.

Do you have rules in the way you stitch? (i.e., Do you start in the middle? Do you determine which blocks to stitch first? Do you always start from the top or the bottom? Do you have special paths to prevent wasting thread?) I like to start in the middle. It is easier for me.

Do you always sign your projects? If not, why? If so, do you use your first name, initials or what? No, but I should use my intials and date.

How do you feel about staying totally true to a pattern? Do you feel that you have to rip out stitches to fix a mistake or do you feel it’s acceptable to incorporate a mistake into the design? I am very strict on staying true to the pattern. But, if I make a mistake, I look at the pattern and decide if I should leave it there or frog it.

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